Spa Đà Lạt | Massage Đà lạt | Spa & Massage Đà Lạt | Healaxspa Đà Lạt.

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330.000 VNĐ

    Intensive body massage

    Nursing body massage, also known as nourishing acupressure massage, is a health massage method based on traditional medical theory. This method mainly involves massaging acupuncture points combined with natural herbs


    1. Muscle tension is significantly reduced, muscles are firmer, and it is good for the body's muscular system
      Toxins such as lactic acid and uric acid are eliminated from the body
      Skin is healthier, smoother, firmer
      Chronic insomnia is significantly improved
      The spirit is comfortably relaxed and relieves stress effectively
      Blood circulation is stimulated and transported more to important locations in the body. According to experts, after performing a body massage, the amount of oxygen in the blood can increase by 10% - 20%.
      Health is improved comprehensively
    2. Supports effective treatment of injuries and pain through acupuncture points on the body


    A nourishing body massage treatment will last 60 minutes or longer depending on your requirements with the following specific massage steps: 

    Step 1: The full-body massage technician relaxes through a towel so that the body gradually gets used to the effects.

    Step 2: Use essential oils extracted from nature to warm up, help expand muscles and acupuncture points, clear meridians, help relieve inflammation, and eliminate stasis.

    Step 3: Open acupuncture points such as: Tong Thien, Bach Hoi, Than Quan, Phong Chi, Dai Chuc, Phong Mon, Va Du, Spleen Du, Tam Du, Can Xu, Than Du, Thuong Tieu, Bi Trung... the acupuncture points located in the temples to relax and relieve stress, acupuncture points in the bladder to prevent and treat diseases related to the function of the kidneys, spine, limbs...

    Step 4: Massage acupressure points on the neck, shoulders, and nape to limit symptoms of cervical spondylosis.

    Step 5: The heated herbal bags will help warm the acupuncture points, eliminate moisture, and warm the qi.

    Step 6: Massage acupoints on the face to treat symptoms of headaches, eye strain, reduce stress, help you sleep better, deeper and concentrate better.


    Relaxation massage is massage with moderate intensity to help relax muscles and joints.
    Nourishing massage draws blood and energy, clears meridians, and affects acupuncture points, thereby helping blood circulation and reducing bone and joint pain.

    Through this we can see that relaxing massage is a gentle form of relaxation. Preliminary impact on bones and muscles. For nourishing massage, dill goes deep into groups of acupuncture points. Eliminate bone and joint pain from the inside.

    The relaxing space at Healax Spa is always an ideal place for couples, large families, corporate groups... to experience services with Healax together!

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    Cung Phẩm Ngự Y       419.000 VNĐ / 60 phút
    Thông Kinh Dược Sơn 589.000 VNĐ / 90 phút


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